

St. Georges

Sunday Worship: All Are Welcome

Contact Phil Hovey

Our liturgy on Sunday morning begins at 10:00 a.m. We use Rite II in the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Our liturgy is full of music with full congregational participation, our dress is informal, our atmosphere is relaxed and friendly.

Children are welcome to be part of the whole liturgy. There is also Sunday School, for all children who wish to attend. It begins at 10:00am.  They join the liturgy in progress during the passing of the peace. Children are welcome to receive communion if and as their parents are comfortable with this practice. To learn more, speak with our clergy.

All baptized persons are invited to be fed and nourished by receiving the consecrated Bread and Wine at the Lord's Table. So, come to this table as you are. Partake and share. It is spread for us that we might remember God's unbounded love for us and for the whole world.

After the liturgy many gather in the parish hall for fellowship. There is coffee, tea, and goodies for everyone. We invite everyone to come so we can get to know each other better.


The Book of Common Prayer  can be downloaded in pdf file here: